Former Punjabi Wife

Cultural Observations and Advice from a Former Punjabi Wife.


Welcome to my blog where I talk about observations made during my former life as a Punjabi wife living in India with my in laws as well as my current life raising my Australian-Punjabi son. I talk about mixed marriage, Sikhism, Punjab & Indian culture as well as parenthood and my life in Australia. In simple, I was married to a Sikh man and now I am not however I feel my experiences are still useful and worth writing about.
I intend to share my experiences and perhaps give some advice with regard to cross cultural interaction, etiquette as well as social constructs and how they differ in the East and West.
Finally I have decided that it is time to return to writing, and not just post photos on my Instagram. It is time to share my unique experiences and a somewhat unique perspective on an uncensored platform. From living abroad, to visas and migration, in laws and raising a mixed race child I have so much to say, so many stories to tell and photos to share.